Squadron History - Page 1
Jan 1945: The squadron was established only one month before it entered combat. Personnel from VF-17 were the core of the newly established Bomber Fighter Squadron 17.
16–17 Feb 1945: The squadron participated in strikes against targets in and around the Tokyo area.
20–22 Feb 1945: Squadron aircraft participated in strikes against Iwo Jima and provided air support for the landings on the island.
25 Feb 1945: Conducted strikes in the Tokyo area.
18–19 Mar 1945: Major strikes were conducted by squadron aircraft against Kanoya, the largest air field on Kyushu and against the Japanese Fleet anchored at Kure Naval Base. On 19 March Lieutenant Edwin S.Conant was awarded the Silver Star for his action as flight leader on a fighter sweep over the Kure Bay. He shot down three planes during an engagement with the enemy and his flight group accounted for a total of 24 enemy planes downed and probably eight or more damaged.
21 Mar 1945: Lieutenant (jg) Henry E. Mitchell became an Ace when he shot down five Bettys (Japanese Navy Mitsubishi Attack Bombers) that were part of a sortie attacking the squadron’s task force. He was later killed in action on 3 April 1945. For his action on 21 March he was awarded the Navy Cross posthumously.
Mar–May 1945: The squadron conducted strikes in support of the Okinawa campaign.
6 Apr 1945: Ensign Harold Yeremain became an Ace when he added three more aircraft to his total by downing two Zekes (Mitsubishi A6M Fighters, commonly known as Zeros) and one Val (an Aichi Navy Carrier Bomber) during an engagement near Okinawa. Ensigns John J. Gafeney and William J. Kostik were awarded Silver Stars for their actions in shooting down three Japanese aircraft each during this engagement.
7 Apr 1945: The unit participated in the combined task force strikes against the super battleship Yamato and its accompanying escorts, resulting in the sinking of Yamato, two cruisers and three destroyers.
7 Apr 1945: Lieutenant Byron A. Eberts became an Ace when he brought his total to five by shooting down a Francis (a Yokosuka Japanese Navy Night Fighter).
12 Apr 1945: Lieutenant Edwin S. Conant became an Ace when he shot down a Zeke (Zero) and a Tojo (a Japanese Army Nakajima Fighter) and brought his tally to six aircraft downed.
14 Apr 1945: Ensigns Robert A. Clarke and William J. Kostik became Aces when they each shot down a Zeke (Zero).
16 Apr 1945: Lieutenant John M. Johnston became an Ace when he shot down four Zekes (Zeros), bringing his total to eight aircraft. For his action during this engagement he was awarded the Silver Star.
May 1945: The squadron participated in strikes against Kyushu and Shikoku, hitting aircraft plants and airfields.
14 May 1945: The squadron’s commanding officer, Lieutenant Commander H. W. Nicholson, was killed in action during a strike against Kyushu. 14 May 1945: Lieutenant (jg) Carl V. Stone became an Ace when he added two Franks (a Japanese Army Fighter) to his total of downed aircraft.
Aug 1956: Following the nationalization of the Suez Canal by Egypt on 26 July, Coral Sea (CVA 43) was ordered to the eastern Mediterranean as tensions increased and France and the United Kingdom began preparations for military action against Egypt.
Oct–Nov 1956: On 29 October Israel invaded Egypt and a day later France and the United Kingdom joined in the invasion, with the intent of reoccupying the Suez Canal. Coral Sea was on station in the eastern Mediterranean during the American evacuation of Western nationals from Egypt and Israel.
Jul 1959: During the NATO exercise Riptide, held off the east coast of the United States, the squadron conducted cross deck operations with the British carrier HMS Victorious.
15–28 Nov 1960: Following a request from Guatemala and Nicaragua, a Navy patrol was established off the coast of these Central American countries to prevent infiltration by communists from Cuba. The squadron operated from Shangri-La (CVA 38) as part of the patrol force.
2–19 Jun 1961: Following the assassination of the Dominican Republic’s dictator, General Rafael Trujillo, the squadron operated from Shangri-La off the coast of that country until the domestic situation began to stabilize.
22 Oct–28 Nov 1962: During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Squadron was attached as part of the Air-Wing to the USS Shangri-La, however, the USS Shangri-La was in the New York ship yard at the time for repair and was not online.  The squadron was then sent TAD to the U.S. Airforce’s 19th Tactical Air Force onboard the USS Lexington in an alert status.
08 Jul 1967 - 15 Sep 1967: Attack Squadron ONE HUNDRED SIX Gladiators flying the Douglas A-4E Skyhawk, deployed on their first of two WestPac/Vietnam combat cruises onboard the USS Forrestal (CVA-59).
29 Jul 1967: After four days on Yankee Station tragedy struck the USS Forrestal (CVA-59). While aircraft were being prepared for the second launch of the day, again targets in Vietnam, a Suni rocket was accidentally fired on the flight deck causing a chain reaction of explosions among the aircraft loaded with bombs and fuel. Flames engulfed the fantail and spread below decks touching off bombs and ammunition. Heroic efforts by VA-106 personnel, along with other members of CVW-17 and ship's company, brought the fires under control. Damage to the carrier and aircraft was severe and VA-106 lost eight men out of the 132 killed, two missing and presumed dead and 62 injured. Eleven of the squadrons A-4E Skyhawks were lost in the fire. Numerous squadron personnel were cited for their acts of heroism during the tragedy.
Those killed were: Petty Officers   H. Fontenot            Airman: C. R. Rich
W. W. Stewart
R. N. Plesh
J. A. Earick
04 Jun 68 - 08 Feb 1969: Attack Squadron ONE HUNDRED SIX flying the A-4E Skyhawk, Deployed on their second of two WestPac/Vietnam combat cruises onboard the USS Intrepid (CVS-11).
23 Sep 1968: Gladiator A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 152091 was lost in an operational accident. The pilot, LCDR David F. Callahan was killed.
21 Oct 1968: Gladiator A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. 151160 AK 217 was shot down by anti aircraft fire over North Vietnam. The pilot, LCDR Kenneth Keith Knabb is missing in action.
07 Nov 1969: Attack Squadron ONE HUNDRED SIX (VA-106) was disestablished and has never been reestablished.
Our Lineage
The squadrons's first insignia was approved by CNO on 23 November 1945 and consisted of a skeleton riding a rocket. The skeletons face was white with light green shading and deep purple sockets. He wore a purple sombrero, a magenta shirt with an orange neckerchief, and teal trousers with a light blue cuff and tan boots with brown soles and dark purple stirrups. Around his waist, he wore a brown belt and holster. His hands were white with light green markings. In his left hand he carried a light gray pistol outlined in purple with yellow smoke and in his right hand, he carried a magenta bomb.
The squadron’s second insignia, which is the insignia that we proudly display to this day, is a Roman Gladiator helmet and shield. A young LTJG named Bill Bicket serving with Fighter Squadron Sixty-Two (VF-62) designed the insignia in 1951. When LTJG Bicket first displayed his drawings to the squadron, it was immediately accepted and was later approved by CNO on 16 Apr 1952. The shield is dark blue and sits upon a gold background with a dark blue border. The helmet is gold with black markings, a white arrow and stylized wings. Below the shield is a gold scroll that displays the GLADIATOR name in black lettering.
1945 - 1952 No recorded moniker
1952 - 1969 Gladiators
1945 Established as Bomber-Fighter Squadron SEVENTEEN (VBF-17)
1946 Redesignated Fighter Squadron SIX B (VF-6B)
1948 Redesignated Fighter Squadron SIXTY-TWO (VF-62)
1955 Redesignated Attack Squadron ONE HUNDRED SIX (VA-106)
1969 Disestablished and has never been Reestablished
Squadron Nickname
Chronology of Significant Events
Squadron Insignia
squadron_ Insignia
J. A. Velez
A. R. Metz
G. E. Wall
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Squadron Insignia
Squadron Nickname
Significant Events
26 Apr 53 - 04 Dec 53: VF-62 Deployed onboard the USS Lake Champlain during Korean War
Squadron Helmet
 May 1963: The squadron operated from Shangri-La in the Caribbean during the period of unrest in Haiti and the civil strife with the Dominican Republic
01 Jul 55: Redesignated Attack Squadron ONE HUNDRED SIX (VA-106)
15 Jul 1968:  LT Richard “Rocky” Pratt Jr. of VA-106 made history by being one of 160 or so men who were picked up by Skyhook over a 24 Year period ranging from 1958 to 1982.  The 15th US Special Operations Squadron picked up LT. Pratt at Cubi Point in the Philippines during a demonstration of the Fulton Surface to Air Recovery Systems capability. 
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