The body is gone, but the spirit still lives within the walls of our hearts, their memory will never die. For in the hearts
and minds of their loved ones and friends, they will always be Heros, SAILORS TO THE END.
Abernathy, Donald
Allen, Emeral (Terry)
Allen, Gene H
Allietta, John
Badmington, Jim
Baker, Jim
Ballew, R.D.
Barhet, Rich G.
Bell, Jarvis
Benson, Mike
Bergeron, James A.
Bettega, Frank
Boggess, Alfred L.
Bond, Floyd
Bond, Reubin
Bosarge, John
Bottema, Richatd
Brandfore, Brad
Breckner, William (TAD/USAF)
Broyles, Edwin N.
Brynteson, Val R.
Buchberger, David J.
Caddell, L.P.
Cairol, Jack H.
Callahan, David F.
Camp, B.T.
Carroll, Robert E.
Cech, Charles
Celano, Raymond
Chambers, Jerry
Chapman, Russell A.
Chaves, Leroy
Church, Jerry A.
Clark, Walter L.
Clever, Robert
Collins, William V. Jr.
Collins, Herbert
Colman, K.W.
Colquhoun, James
Combs, Garland
Connally, Jim
Cox "Shakey" Jim
Coyne, George K.
Craft, Marion H.
Creamer, Carl "ED"
Crippen, Raymond L.
Crone, Richard P.
Cropp, George
Cross, Fred
Crump, William E.
Dameworth, Donald
Darby, Ted
Davis, William Phillip, Jr
Dawson, George
Dean, William
DeVoe, Harry L. Jr.
Dittbenner, C.
Donovan, William
Duez, A.J.
Dunkle, Ralph
Dyke, David
Earick, J.A.
Earwood, Larry E.
Eggert, Lowel (Gus"
Elkins, E. Robert
Englehart, Harry
Eudaly, Marcus
Fall, Richard H.
Farragut, Floyd
Faulkner, R.G.
Fenney, Roger
Feran, Michael Paul
Flynn, Ken
Foley, Sylvester R. (Bob) Jr.
Fotenot, H.
Foote, W.W.
Foss, N.P.
Gastiger, Albert R.
Gentry, Roy L.
Gerrard, Paul
Gillman, Marion W.
Giroux, Norm
Gosdeck, Robert A.
Gould, Counce
Grammer, Robert Sr.
Graves, Arthur
Green, Peter
Green, Thomas E.
Grisham, A.L.
Grubb, Bill
Gundersen, Edgar
Gunter, Fred
Hady, Kenneth P.
Hammond, Gerald
Harris, Robert
Hedrick, Mark
Heesch, Gerald
Henderson, Clyde
Henry, Donald
Herndon, William (Bill)
Hicks, Dashwood
Hills, Hollis H.
Hobson, Vernon
Hoffman, Howard
Holland, Larry
Holloway, Kenneth
Holloway, Raymond
Holt, Robert
Hood, William
Horinka, Richard
Horton, William G.
Hottel, James Oliver
Hottenroth, Jerry
Hughes, John A.
Hunt, George
Ingles, T.
Irwin, L.E.
Jackson, Lester T.
Jansheski, Jerry
Jefford, Willard P.
Jenkins, Lou
Joines, H.C.
Kane, William
Keesler, J.C.
Keith, Thomas
Kelco, John
Kelly, William
Kemper, Robert D.
Kern, Edward
Kinnnear, George "Gus"
Knabb, Kenneth
Knapp, Edward Sr.
Knight, James E.
Knott, John F.
Koch, Ferdinand
Komoroff, R.A.
Kosswig, Norman F.
Krueger, Otto
Knukle, Martin
Kwapnioski, Eugene E.
Lancaster, Gilbert
Lane, James
Lapp, Gerald
Larrabee, Daniel A.
Lawler, Fred W.
Lea, Henry C.
LeClerc, Leo C.
Lent, A
Le Van, Edwin W.
Levesque, Robert J.
Lewis, H.H.
Lewis, Jerry
Lewis, Thomas D.
Linari, James
Little, Dennis
Lowen, Robert C.
Loiacana, Sam
Lopez, Fermin
Lopez, Salvador C.
Lowe, Rupert
Lythjohan, Herbert NH.
Macy, Ervin B.
Marquardt, David
Massey, William Bill
McAllister, Robert
McCauley, Phil R.
McClanahan, Lacy
McCue, John James
McNully, Reed
Mead, Gary F.
Melson, Orville
Metz, Allan R.
Micheel, Allen
Miller, Gerald
Mims, Thales E.
Morrow, Homer A
Murphy, Bob
Myers, Donald
Nappier, James Norwood
Nelson, W. "Stu"
Newell, Doyle
Newman, Robert
Nordby, Louie.
O'Connell, Gary
Olena, Floyd M.
Osburn, David
Pace, Kermit S.
Pace, Joseph
Palmer, Richard W. "Dick"
Patient, O.E.
Patren, Joseph
Paulsen, Bill
Peace, John "Jack" D.
Pelech, Frank
Pellino, Martin
Perry, Glen
Perry, Tollie Jeff (TJ)
Petway, Gene G.
Phillips, Paul
Pierce, W.F.
Piscotty, Robert
Pittelli, John
Plesh, Ray
Potosnak, Joseph E.
Polesnak, Paul V.
Powell, William Dewey
Prince, John
Pullen, Monty
Quin, Lee Frances
Ramsey, Donald E.
Reede, Charles
Reier, Charles
Renner, Robert
Rich, C.R.
Riedl, John
Rignola, James V.
Roberts, James
Roberts, Richard S.
Robillard, Mike "Mickey"
Robinson, Patrick
Robinson, Walter
Robl, John
Rosso, Mike
Rower, Jay
Ruch, Carl.
Rumple, Norman L.
Scarboro, Bud
Schefferine, Robert
Schneider, Robert F.J.
Sears, Bill
Seyler, Jack
Sharp, E.J.
Shaw, Wesley
Shelly, Randy
Simmons, Leonard
Siriani, Thomas J.
Slyfield, Frederick John
Smigle, Gerald
Smith, Harvey
Smith W.
Smith, W.W.
Smoyer, Joel
Sommers, Allan
Spencer, B.J.
Springham, Richard F.
Stafford, James
Stathers, G.
Stewart, W.W.
Styre, Jesse
Sullivan, John L. "Sully"
Surgeon, H.N.
Tabb, James Winn
Tatro, Mel
Taylor, Fred
Taylor, Marino
Taylor, Pat
Tester, Earl
Thomas, C.E.
Thomas, Louis
Thomas, Marino
Tims, Theodore
Trammell, Ezell
Troxler, Mike R.
Umphenour, W.
Updergraff, Robert J.
Valez, J.A.
Van Houton, Lawrence
Vaughn, Gene
Vaughn, L.R.
Vest, Roger G.
Vitztum, Michael J.
Waines, Frank
Waldron, Robert S.
Waldsmith, David
Walker, Sterling
Wall, G.E.
Walters, James
Walton, Ed
Wanzor, Gilbert
Ward, Leo
Watters, George D.
Weaver, Roger A.
Weeks, Jorge C.
West, Donald
West, Paul H.
Wheeling, Don
White, Charles (Whitey)
White, Jerry
Wiggins, Preston
Wilcox, John W.
Wilson, Tom
Womeldorf, Charles
Wood, Jerry L.
Workman, Gene
Yow, William L.
Young, Ottis
Zajack, Frank
Zarnsdorf, Vern
Zinge, David
Updated 03/24/2025
Earick, James A.
Fontenot, Harold
Metz, Allan R.
Plesh,Raymond N.
Rich, Charles R.
Stewart, Wendell W.
Velez, Juan A.
Wall, George E